331 research outputs found

    Quasi-geostrophic kinematic dynamos at low magnetic Prandtl number

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    Rapidly rotating spherical kinematic dynamos are computed using the combination of a quasi geostrophic (QG) model for the velocity field and a classical spectral 3D code for the magnetic field. On one hand, the QG flow is computed in the equatorial plane of a sphere and corresponds to Rossby wave instabilities of a geostrophic internal shear layer produced by differential rotation. On the other hand, the induction equation is computed in the full sphere after a continuation of the QG flow along the rotation axis. Differential rotation and Rossby-wave propagation are the key ingredients of the dynamo process which can be interpreted in terms of αΩ\alpha\Omega dynamo. Taking into account the quasi geostrophy of the velocity field to increase its time and space resolution enables us to exhibit numerical dynamos with very low Ekman (rapidly rotating) and Prandtl numbers (liquid metals) which are asymptotically relevant to model planetary core dynamos

    Quasi-geostrophic model of the instabilities of the Stewartson layer

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    We study the destabilization of a shear layer, produced by differential rotation of a rotating axisymmetric container. For small forcing, this produces a shear layer, which has been studied by Stewartson and is almost invariant along the rotation axis. When the forcing increases, instabilities develop. To study the asymptotic regime (very low Ekman number EE), we develop a quasi-geostrophic two-dimensional model, whose main original feature is to handle the mass conservation correctly, resulting in a divergent two-dimensional flow, and valid for any container provided that the top and bottom have finite slopes. We use it to derive scalings and asymptotic laws by a simple linear theory, extending the previous analyses to large slopes (as in a sphere), for which we find different scaling laws. For a flat container, the critical Rossby number for the onset of instability evolves as E3/4E^{3/4} and may be understood as a Kelvin-Helmoltz shear instability. For a sloping container, the instability is a Rossby wave with a critical Rossby number proportional to βE1/2\beta E^{1/2}, where β\beta is related to the slope. We also investigate the asymmetry between positive and negative differential rotation and propose corrections for finite Ekman and Rossby numbers. Implemented in a numerical code, our model allows us to study the onset over a broad range of parameters, determining the threshold but also other features such as the spatial structure. We also present a few experimental results, validating our model and showing its limits.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures. * New version including discussion of the recent work of Hollerbach, and much more. * A sign error in the Ekman pumping has been corrected. This has almost no influence on the results presented in the previous versio

    Quasi-geostrophic kinematic dynamos at low magnetic Prandtl number

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    International audienceRapidly rotating spherical kinematic dynamos at very low Ekman and Prandtl numbers are computed using the combination of a quasi-geostrophic (QG) model for the velocity field and a classical spectral 3D code for the magnetic field. The QG flow is computed in the equatorial plane of the sphere; it corresponds to Rossby wave instabilities of a geostrophic internal shear layer produced by differential rotation. The induction equation is computed in the whole sphere after the QG flow has been expanded along the rotation axis. Differential rotation and Rossby wave propagation are the key ingredients of this dynamo which can be interpreted in terms of Parker-[Omega] dynamo. Taking into account the quasi-geostrophy of the velocity field enables us to increase time and space resolution to compute the dynamics. For the first time, we report on numerical dynamos with very low Ekman numbers (10- 8). Because the magnetic and velocity fields are computed on different grids, we compute dynamos for very low magnetic Prandtl numbers exhibiting a scale separation between magnetic and velocity field. These dynamos are asymptotically close to rapidly rotating, metallic planetary cores

    The potential of triterpenoids as chemotaxonomic tools to identify and differentiate genuine, adulterated and archaeological balsams

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    International audiencePlant exudates have been extensively used in the past for different applications related to their olfactory, physical or medical properties. Their identification in archaeological samples relies, notably, on the characterisation of chemotaxonomic molecular markers but is often hampered by the severe alteration of their typical genuine molecular signature due to ageing. Among these exudates, those recovered from Styrax, Liquidambar and Myroxylon tree species – defined as balsams – have been exploited in the past for their pleasant scent and medical properties. They are characterised by a large variety of aromatic compounds, especially of the cinnamate and benzoate series, which can be used to assess their botanical source. These compound series may, however, be subject to alteration over time during exposure to environmental conditions in the case of archaeological material. As a result, their reliability as chemotaxonomic markers to characterise and discriminate archaeological balsams is problematic and questionable. We have, therefore, carried out a comparative analysis of various extant balsams (Styrax officinalis, S. paralleloneurum, S. tonkinensis, Liquidambar styraciflua, L. orientalis and Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae) using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry to search for more solid lipid markers. The results revealed that a distinction between styrax, liquidambars, Peru and Tolu balsams is possible based on the distribution of pentacyclic triterpenes. The predominance of uncommon 6‑oxygenated derivatives of oleanolic acid among triterpenoids could be specifically related to styrax resins. Liquidambar gums were characterised by the predominance of oleanonic acid together with uncommon 3-epi oleanolic and ursolic acids, whereas Peru balsam was rich in cinnamic and benzoic acids, but devoid of triterpenoids. Thanks to the high specificity of some of these triterpenes, already known for their low volatility and robustness towards alteration processes, they should be considered as reliable molecular tools for the unambiguous identification of archaeological balsams. In addition to archaeological applications, these triterpenic markers might also find an application for the detection of counterfeit balsams

    Synthesis of 26-methyl cholestane and identification of cryostanes in mid- Neoproterozoic sediments

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    International audienceThe biomarker distributions of mid-Neoproterozoic sediments (800–717 million yr, Ma) from various locations are characterized by the occurrence, besides cholestane isomers, of a novel series of C28 steranes, whereas classical C-24 alkylated steranes are absent. These unusual C28 steranes, termed cryostanes, seem to be restricted to pre-Snowball Earth sediments. We report their conclusive identification as 26-methyl cholestanes based on comparison of gas chromatographic (GC) behavior and mass spectrum of the last eluting cryostane isomer with those of a 26-methyl 5α(H),14α(H),17α(H),20R-cholestane standard obtained by way of synthesis. Sterols methylated at C-26 seem to be restricted to some demosponges and, based on molecular clock estimates, demosponges may have emerged in the time interval 800–700 Ma. A sponge origin of cryostanes is thereby conceivable, making cryostanes the oldest molecular markers for animals. However, other biological sources need to be explored, including the wide variety of eukaryotic protists

    On the reflection of Alfvén waves and its implication for Earth's core modelling

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    Alfvén waves propagate in electrically conducting fluids in the presence of a magnetic field. Their reflection properties depend on the ratio between the kinematic viscosity and the magnetic diffusivity of the fluid, also known as the magnetic Prandtl number Pm. In the special case, Pm = 1, there is no reflection on an insulating, no-slip boundary, and the incoming wave energy is entirely dissipated in the boundary layer. We investigate the consequences of this remarkable behaviour for the numerical modelling of torsional Alfvén waves (also known as torsional oscillations), which represent a special class of Alfvén waves, in rapidly rotating spherical shells. They consist of geostrophic motions and are thought to exist in the fluid cores of planets with internal magnetic field. In the geophysical limit Pm ≪ 1, these waves are reflected at the core equator, but they are entirely absorbed for Pm = 1. Our numerical calculations show that the reflection coefficient at the equator of these waves remains below 0.2 for Pm ≥ 0.3, which is the range of values for which geodynamo numerical models operate. As a result, geodynamo models with no-slip boundary conditions cannot exhibit torsional oscillation normal mode

    Betulin-related esters from birch bark tar: Identification, origin and archaeological significance

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    Birch bark tar, an organic material frequently encountered during archaeological excavations, has been identified from its lipid composition on the cracks of a ceramic dated to the late Neolithic. Lipids of this black substance were dominated by a characteristic triterpenoid assemblage of lupane-related triterpenoids from birch bark together with their thermal degradation products formed during preparation of the tar. Among the latter, four main series of unusual triterpenoid esters have been detected and were postulated to correspond to esters of Delta2-betulin and Delta2-dihydrobetulin based on their mass spectra and hydrolysis experiments. Their conclusive identification has been achieved by synthesis of reference compounds. These compounds most likely originate from the esterification between triterpenoid alcohols related to betulin and fatty acids from suberin formed upon heating of birch bark tar. They could be considered as markers of intense heating during birch bark tar preparation using the “single pot“ procedure

    A unique bacteriohopanetetrol stereoisomer of marine anammox

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    Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is a major process of bioavailable nitrogen removal from marine systems. Previously, a bacteriohopanetetrol (BHT) isomer, with unknown stereochemistry, eluting later than BHT using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), was detected in ‘Ca. Scalindua profunda’ and proposed as a biomarker for anammox in marine paleo-environments. However, the utility of this BHT isomer as an anammox biomarker is hindered by the fact that four other, non-anammox bacteria are also known to produce a late-eluting BHT stereoisomer. The stereochemistry in Acetobacter pasteurianus, Komagataeibacter xylinus and Frankia sp. was known to be 17β, 21β(H), 22R, 32R, 33R, 34R (BHT-34R). The stereochemistry of the late-eluting BHT in Methylocella palustris was unknown. To determine if marine anammox bacteria produce a unique BHT isomer, we studied the BHT distributions and stereochemistry of known BHT isomer producers and of previously unscreened marine (‘Ca. Scalindua brodeae’) and freshwater (‘Ca. Brocadia sp.’) anammox bacteria using HPLC and gas chromatographic (GC) analysis of acetylated BHTs and ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)-high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) analysis of non-acetylated BHTs. The 34R stereochemistry was confirmed for the BHT isomers in Ca. Brocadia sp. and Methylocella palustris. However, ‘Ca. Scalindua sp.’ synthesise a stereochemically distinct BHT isomer, with still unconfirmed stereochemistry (BHT-x). Only GC analysis of acetylated BHT and UHPLC analysis of non-acetylated BHT distinguished between late-eluting BHT isomers. Acetylated BHT-x and BHT-34R co-elute by HPLC. As BHT-x is currently only known to be produced by ‘Ca. Scalindua spp.’, it may be a biomarker for marine anammox

    Управление затратами как эффективный инструмент выхода предприятия из кризиса и альтернатива "экономии на людях"

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    В данной работе рассмотрен механизм последовательного повышения цен среди предприятий во время кризиса, обозначена склонность некоторых предприятий необдуманно сокращать затраты на персонал, обоснована необходимость использовать управление затратами как более эффективную альтернативу традиционной экономии затрат, рассмотрено понятие управления затратами как деятельность предприятия и набор методик, перечислены основные виды затрат и способы их оптимизации